Sunday, November 29, 2009

Trip to Musoma

So a couple of weeks ago, I once more found myself at the Ubungo bus stand in Dar es Salaam at the unsociable hour of 5:30am, about to board the bus of doom to Mwanza. Travelling with me were two other CDF volunteers, Franzi and Felister, as well as CDF’s Legal Officer, Grace.

That day, there was a small, innocuous article in the Daily News about a 15-year old girl in Tarime, who had been beaten so severely by her father and elder brother that she was hospitalised. She had refused to be married.

I won’t bore you with the details of our journey again (another agonising 17 hours) – suffice to say that we passed through a very impressive electrical storm with huge bolts of lightning illuminating the Eastern Rift Valley. Franzi also noticed a live chicken under our seats about 8 hours into the journey (we had been wondering what was pecking at our feet…)

The next morning, we took a bus to Musoma, about three hours from Mwanza. It’s a sleepy fishing town, situated pleasantly on the shores of Lake Victoria and has a very laid-back vibe (granted, not uncommon in Tanzania). Huge, phenomenally ugly marabou storks dotted the trees and rubbish tips along the lakeshore. It’s a shame that you can’t really swim in Lake Victoria because of the risk posed by bilharzia-carrying snails. Picturesque it is though.

Traditional Leaders

We were in Musoma to help Grace to conduct training about child marriage and FGM. The first day’s training was for the religious, local and traditional leaders of Musoma Rural District. The aim was to provide the leaders, who have a lot of influence within their communities, with the knowledge and tools necessary to gather information about the practice of child marriage and FGM in their district, to educate others, and to help in the fight to end these practices.

When we arrived at the venue in the morning, a few of the leaders were already there (very unusual in my experience so far in Africa - you can often wait an hour or more for someone to turn up for a meeting with little or no excuse). I instantly warmed to a little old lady who had a face furrowed with wrinkles and a pair of sparkling, intelligent eyes.

First impressions can be deceiving though – when all the participants introduced themselves as part of a warm-up for the training session, I discovered that Esther (the little old lady) is an Ngariba. Ngaribas are the traditional birth attendants who deliver many babies in rural areas in Tanzania, where women cannot get to a hospital or simply prefer to give birth at home. Although they don’t have any conventional medical training, Ngaribas are also the ones who carry out FGM on young girls with razorblades or pangas (huge, rusty knives). The friendly face of FGM was a bit of an eye-opener, to say the least!

The training introduced the concept of children’s rights to the leaders, and also explored who is considered a child in Musoma. Not unexpectedly, the leaders explained that anyone who is not yet able to help with work on the shamba (family farm) is considered a child. Bear in mind that I have seen kids as young as 4 or 5 toiling with their parents in the fields. In addition, any girl who has not undergone FGM is still considered a child (FGM will generally take place at around the age of 12 in Musoma).

But it seems that things are changing, slowly. One village chiefu explained that he had always seen child marriage as a positive practice, having himself married a girl of 15 when he was 22. He was very happy as she was strong and bore him many children. But his daughters were also married before the age of 18, and now they are all divorced or separated from their husbands. This means that they have all returned to the chiefu’s home with their children, and are financially dependent once more on him and his wife. Needless to say, this is not the way the chiefu expected to live out his old age.

Another local leader told us that his daughter had become pregnant while still at school – without being married, which is generally considered shameful in Tanzania. But he and his wife had decided to help take care of the baby so that their daughter could finish school. She now has a good job and supports her younger sisters through their education.

On the other hand, I was a little shocked when one of the female traditional leaders said that she thought that pregnant girls should not be allowed back into school after having given birth – she said that they should be punished for their mistake. Tanzania has a policy that pregnant schoolgirls are allowed to go back to school (although much depends on the discretion of the headmaster), but if the girl is unmarried the shame often means that her family will not allow her to complete her education.

In the end, however, the leaders swore a declaration that they would each help to combat child marriage and FGM in Musoma Rural District. They were also given tracking sheets produced by CDF, which they will use to interview young women in the community about child marriage and FGM. This information will then go back to CDF, but will also hopefully help the religious, local and traditional leaders to assist girls if necessary.

Sister to Sister Club

The next two days, Grace was training the Musoma Sister to Sister Club, which was set up by CDF. It’s basically a network for girls who are at risk of child marriage (whether it be because they have undergone FGM or because of their family situation), and is set up so that they can support each other, sharing their experiences and ideas. CDF provides regular training to the Sister to Sister Club members in order to educate them about their rights and to empower them. The Sister to Sister Club also educates other schoolgirls about the risks of child marriage and FGM.

Still, even for the members of the Sister to Sister Club, child marriage remains a serious risk. Grace noticed immediately that one of the girls, Ruby, was missing. The club chairperson told us that she had heard about a week ago that Ruby had been sent to another village to be married. Ruby is just 14.

The members of the Sister to Sister Club were given a refresher course on children’s rights and then asked to consider three different styles of communication: passive, assertive and aggressive. After Grace characterised these different styles, she divided the girls into three groups and asked each group to come up with a role play demonstrating these types of communication. The role plays gave us a real insight into the concerns in these girls lives. Two of the role plays were about wives confronting their cheating husbands (passive and assertive), and one was about a young wife fighting with her family-in-law (aggressive).

The girls are also encouraged to share their stories in order to help one another. One girl named Anastasia told us about her life. She is an orphan aged 18, living with her aunt. When she was 14, her aunt could no longer afford to keep her in school, and Anastasia had to stay at home and work. She begged her aunt to send her back to school, but instead was sent to a relative’s home to work as a maid, with the promise that when she returned, she would be sent back to school. While Anastasia was working for the other family, she fell pregnant. She was sent back to her aunt, and eventually delivered a stillborn son. And despite the promise, Anastasia has still not been sent back to school. But she says the Sister to Sister Club keeps her strong, and that she still has not given up on her dream of completing her education.

On Day 2, Grace explored the different myths about sexual and reproductive health, asking the girls to tell us the different beliefs that exist in their community, especially about contraceptives and HIV/ AIDS. This basically turned into a massive Q&A session. The girls seemed especially concerned that the pill (which is available at little cost from pharmacies, and free from hospitals) increases the chances of having a disabled child. There is also a very dangerous, and persistent, belief that young girls who are virgins cannot be HIV positive and that having sex with a virgin will cure a man of AIDS.

Grace, who has been trained specifically on HIV/ AIDS issues, handled all of the many questions with aplomb, even explaining to the girls the correct way to use a condom. It was great to see, because this is information that is vital to these girls’ lives. Afterwards, Grace explained to me that although children are supposed to receive some sex education in school, more often than not, the teacher is too embarrassed to do it or just glosses over the issues. And young girls often don’t have anyone they can talk to about this, let alone ask questions of. Obviously, the girls in the Sister to Sister Club trust and look up to Grace. Hopefully, the information that she has provided them with will help them to protect themselves, and also to pass on correct information to other girls.

Before we wrapped up, the Sister to Sister Club members were also given copies of the tracking sheet, so that they can talk to their peers and monitor child marriage and FGM in their communities, and alert CDF to cases in which they might be able to help.

I left Musoma feeling pretty positive about the training we had done there, especially with the Sister to Sister Club. It’s going to take a long time to change traditions and beliefs, but it really seemed to me that the dialogue with the traditional leaders and the information provided to the girls might make a difference.

When Will I Be Famous?

When we were doing the first day of training with the religious, local and traditional leaders, a reporter from Channel 10 was also present, walking around the room and (slightly disconcertingly) filming close-ups of everyone. He called Grace a couple of days after we got back to Dar es Salaam, and told us that we were on the news! We all raced downstairs from CDF’s office, which is on the top floor of a small hospital, to the waiting room to watch it with the patients. They did a full 5-minute story about CDF’s work to combat child marriage and FGM, showing the all of the (horrific) close-ups of the traditional leaders, Grace and yours truly! Eek…

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Life's a Beach

A few pictures of the beaches just to the south of Dar es Salaam


Cattle drive!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Do they know it’s Christmas time in Africa?

In Dar, yes. Let me explain: a week and a half ago, while visiting my local supermarket on my weekly shop for bottled water, candles (for the power outages), cereal and UHT milk I was shocked to be confronted by garish tinsel strung along the top of each aisle, paper cut-outs of Santa Claus and elves, and “Auld Lang Syne” and “Jingle Bells” being piped across the intercom. I actually stopped dead, then erupted into fits of hysterical giggling as I browsed the aisles, especially as I encountered a Christmas hamper-cum-nativity scene, stocked with produce as diverse as pilchards, mayonnaise and Ribena. So this is the result of globalisation…

Samaki Samaki

I thought I’d share with you all a picture of my daily lunch: walli samaki, or rice and fish. I’ve become a lot better at eating my grilled-to-a-crisp unidentifiable samaki with only my right hand then I was at first, but I still can’t stomach sucking out the eyes like my workmate Emmanuel does with gusto once in a while (mainly to scare me, admittedly). If I want to spice things up a bit, I go for ugali instead of walli, which is the maize polenta-like carb dish favoured by Tanzanians. It’s pretty much flavourless, so relies on some sauce or vegetable accompanying the dish, but fun in that it wobbles like jelly and can be sculpted into mad shapes if you’re inclined to play with your food. The picture below is from Kivukoni, Dar’s harbour-front fishmarket, stocked every day with grouper, barracuda, kingfish, tuna etc etc. These fellas are a bit bigger than what usually ends up on my plate!

Street Law

Last Saturday, I was sitting outside a cafĂ© on one of Dar’s leafy streets, sipping at a well-deserved Coke after visiting the National Museum (which was as random as you might expect, exhibiting Julius Nyerere’s fleet of Rolls Royces and a stuffed manatee amongst other treasures). Suddenly, a man came pegging it down the road, followed by a woman with a baby on her back, waving an umbrella in the air and shouting “Mwizi, mwizi!”. Some alert passer-by managed to stick out a foot and trip up the man, who fell flat on his face. Within seconds, a crowd of about 15 people had encircled the man, and I clearly heard the sound of the guy who’d tripped the thief up give him a massive punch. The woman with the baby arrived breathlessly and started explaining to the mob (which had expanded exponentially by that time to about 40 people, of all types, from street kids, to the old baba who’d been having a cup of tea next to me, to ladies with real Louis Vuitton hand bags) what had happened – at least, that’s what I think, since it was all in Kiswahili of course. Anyway, in less than five minutes they’d all made the thief give the lady back whatever it was he stole in the first place, and everyone was on their way again - including the thief.

Jacko Halloween

Yes, they also have Halloween here! I know because I went to a normal bar on 31 October with a couple of friends, and it turned out to be a massive party, partly to celebrate Halloween, and partly in honour of Michael Jackson. The bar was trussed out in fake cobwebs, plastic skeletons, candelabras, giant spiders, and – somewhat bizarrely – what resembled giant jungle lianas. There’s always a twist in Africa! They screened the full 13-minute version of Thriller on a big screen, and when the music video got to the famous zombies-dancing-in-the-graveyard bit, about 10 ghoulish zombies emerged from the crowd along with a young Michael and performed the dance routine to perfection. Nice!

Tomorrow morning I'm off on a trip to Musoma, by Lake Victoria, for a week - more when I return!